{"id":821,"date":"2013-08-03T11:48:45","date_gmt":"2013-08-03T06:18:45","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/saravanan.org\/?p=821"},"modified":"2018-07-29T15:19:46","modified_gmt":"2018-07-29T09:49:46","slug":"refusing-anti-ageing-is-accepting-death","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/saravanan.org\/refusing-anti-ageing-is-accepting-death\/","title":{"rendered":"Refusing Anti-ageing is accepting Death"},"content":{"rendered":"


For life to sustain, several million things must happen in a particular order. \u00a0But death can occur in any of the million ways. \u00a0There lies the secret behind the apparent immortality of mortality. \u00a0Death doesn’t have any special status in the greater scheme of things. \u00a0We just need to jump too many hoops to avoid death. \u00a0I believe that the Universe doesn’t care if we live. \u00a0And that It doesn’t care if we die.<\/p>\n


We all avoid death for one reason or other. \u00a0For some of us, it is the fear of the physical pain. \u00a0For some, it is the pending responsibilities. \u00a0Others can’t bear the tears of near and dear. \u00a0Some don’t want to die without seeing the wonders that the future has to offer (detour: Isn’t it interesting that many of our reasons to live are driven by what we mean to others?). \u00a0And then, there are people who continue to live because can’t find a good reason to die. \u00a0I always find it surprising as to how so many people claim that they are not scared of dying. \u00a0Whereas, these same people won’t hesitate to kill if their life is threatened.<\/p>\n

Even though everyone is scared of dying, we always ridicule the people who went chasing after immortality. \u00a0We have stories and legends where the chasers of immortality always have sorry ends (but often, in our legends, heroes who chase the noble are gifted immortality). \u00a0These stories are not far from reality. \u00a0People who went chasing immortality, longevity or youthfulness always failed. \u00a0It is nice for us to think of them as desperate and greedy. \u00a0It probably justifies our own laziness.<\/p>\n

When it comes to wanting immortality, vast majority among us take the defeatist attitude. \u00a0Nothing else explains why we are uncomfortable with the idea of immortality. \u00a0After all, if we have a good reason to live today, there is no good reason to not want to live tomorrow. \u00a0Or the next year. \u00a0Why should it be OK for us to accept death in fifty years from now, when it not OK to want to die today?<\/p>\n

Granted, in our youthful swagger, it is normal for us to want not to live into the frailties of senescence. \u00a0But when senescence creeps on us slowly, it turns out that it is not such an unbearable thing after all! \u00a0Our justification of accepting death on the ground that ‘senescence is unacceptable’ appears baseless. \u00a0But given that I am one of those people who vehemently cry “keep me fit or give me death”, I can look at this group sympathetically.<\/p>\n

Modern anti-ageing techniques, though they are far from perfected as of now, can easily add one or two additional decades of healthy living to most of us. \u00a0But surprising number of people think too low of taking it up. \u00a0It is perfectly OK for them if the death creeps on them slowly. \u00a0But wanting to jump on the anti-ageing bandwagon is too painful to them for two reasons: One, it amounts to accepting our desperation to want to live another day. \u00a0Two, reminds us that death is real.<\/p>\n

For the people among us who avoid anti-ageing, state of default seem to be safe and non-threatening. Having taken an emotional decision not to act, we go around inventing false justifications as to why we chose default over action.<\/p>\n


Take anti-ageing seriously. \u00a0It looks funny to you because it is positive healthcare. \u00a0Healthcare is usually focused fixing things that are broken. \u00a0In other words, conventional medicine is about coming from negative to zero. \u00a0Anti-ageing takes something that may or may not be broken and makes it better. \u00a0It is a process where the final destination is positive.<\/p>\n

Anti-ageing alone can add thirty to forty years to your life, at the very least. \u00a0You can absolutely not come across any other single action that can add so many healthy years to your life. Period.<\/p>\n